Yolanda W. Greene

Yolanda W. Greene is a valued professional at our firm, specializing in Education Law, and bringing nearly two decades of experience as a former elementary teacher and administrator in Essex and Passaic Counties in New Jersey. Passionate about education and community service, Yolanda has also served as an adult educator, providing instruction to parents, school administrators, and aspiring teachers. Additionally, she currently serves as a board member of the New Jersey After School Child Care Coalition (NJSACC).

While in law school, Yolanda interned at the ACLU-NJ, Essex County Superior Court, and the Rutgers Office of the Vice President and General Counsel. She culminated her law school experience as a Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics Henry J. Raimondo Graduate Fellow at the New Jersey Office of Legislative Services.

Before joining the firm, Yolanda served as a court-appointed mediator in various matters throughout New Jersey. At Taylor Law, Yolanda has participated in many successful mediations and settlement conferences on behalf of the firm’s clients, helping to avoid costly hearings. As a result of her varied professional skill set, Yolanda has become a trusted resource for the firm and its clients, particularly in the area of special education.

  • BA from Rutgers University

    MS from Nova Southeastern University

    JD from Rutgers Law School

  • New Jersey